Advice Tax

Keep it simple

We believe in simple, clear, and straightforward communication, not in unnecessary over-complication. If you ask Advice a question, you can count on a rapid response. We usually answer within the hour – and if the issue requires a bit more work, we’ll quickly let you know when you can expect your answer.

We’re there for you, 24/7

Our business is based on our being available 24/7 to deliver what our clients need. We provide the advice we’d want to be given if the situation was reversed. Good communication is key for us – as is timely delivery. And if the client requests it, we’re happy to help implement the solutions we’ve proposed, too.

We’ll help you with the big picture

An entrepreneur’s problems are multifaceted and it can be difficult for them to work with the bigger picture. We often act as a sounding board on more complex issues and also have an extensive network of contacts in areas such as Corporate Finance, civil law, family law, and a variety of other specialist issues.

Tax advice

We understand that tax is one part of your life – but it’s not the most important part. We endeavour to be responsive and to take other factors in our clients’ lives into account – tax planning must be a natural fit with everything else.

We work with both short-term and more complex issues for private individuals and companies and our goal, at all times, is to help our clients focus on their own businesses and their own lives.

We like to start our partnerships with a meeting, in order to get to grips with the client’s situation and requirements. The meeting is also an opportunity to act as a sounding board in order to define the issues that need addressing.

Our goal is to be accessible, to communicate quickly and clearly, and to propose and implement measures that solve the problem. This is how we forge long-term relationships with our clients.

Contact us to set up a meeting!  


Restructuring could, for example, involve packaging assets ahead of the sale of a subsidiary company. But we can also help with enterprise transfers, the formation of Swedish or foreign parent companies, mergers and reverse mergers, winding up of companies, tax issues in connection with investments, setting up a local establishment overseas, taking advantage of salary details in the close company sector, share exchanges, and questions about permanent establishments.

We generally start our partnership with the client by reviewing existing structures, in order to predict tax risks and potential improvements.

Need help with a restructuring? Contact us!

Generational shifts

Advice acts as your advisor not only on ongoing economic, fiscal issues, but when it comes to decisions and actions with long-term consequences.

There are a number of issues to address in conjunction with generational shifts: when and how, for example, will the children be able to enjoy the parents’ assets? On what scale, and for what purpose may the heirs use the money?

Support, advice, and help with implementation
We have supported numerous families through generational shift discussions. These discussions can involve handing family-owned companies, for example, or other limited companies, or forestry and agricultural properties on to the younger generation. It’s not uncommon for fairness issues to be central to these discussions, either, such as how one or more siblings can be bought out fairly.

We have, for example, a partnership agreement with The Association of ICA Retailers where we help retailers implement their generational shifts, and where we undertake both to project manage the matter and to keep track of the tax-related issues.

Need help with a generational shift? Contact us!

International concerns

Determining an individual’s tax status under Swedish tax regulations and in relation to tax agreements is key when moving to or from Sweden. It may also be necessary, in some cases, to evaluate strong links to overseas residence to determine whether they have an effect on the individual’s tax situation.

We also investigate the ways in which Swedish and foreign remuneration packages, incentive programmes, and other transactions should be interpreted from a Swedish taxation perspective. We help companies with issues relating to permanent establishments and other tax issues of an international nature. And we are often engaged to work with a foreign advisor on optimising the tax situation for companies and private individuals operating in or with links to multiple countries.

The hard part of these cases is the risk of issues falling between the two stools of the foreign advisor and Advice, in our role as Swedish taxation monitors. Our goal is to focus on working hand in hand with the foreign advisor to reduce this risk.

Need help with international concerns? Contact us!

Corporate concerns

Advice is your natural partner, whatever the corporate concern with which you need help, because we can help you with any and every type of corporate issue. We handle all the administration arising from the issue, respond rapidly to any questions you may have, and are on the case, all the way to the finishing line.

“Off The Shelf” companies

An “off the shelf” company is a limited company that you buy “readymade” to avoid all the admin involved in forming a new company from scratch.

We handle the interactions with the Swedish Companies Registration Office for you, and deal quickly and flexibly with the paperwork in connection with the readymade company. We can also help with any registration requirements for your newly formed company, whether its for corporation taxation, VAT, or as an employer for PAYE.

Information on “off the shelf” companies – download info sheet here (pdf)

Advice general T&Cs for “off the shelf” companies (pdf)


Other corporate concerns

We can help with mergers, new share issues, bonus issues, share withdrawals, issuing convertible debentures, warrant issues, name changes, changes to the financial year, amendments to Articles of Association, special dividend announcements, beneficial owner notices, liquidations, and deregistration.

Contact us for more information.

Contact us

Arne Kvarnström
Arne Kvarnström
Mikael Westin
Mikael Westin
Jonas Pernholt
Jonas Pernholt
Åsa Carlsson
Åsa Carlsson
Johan Elveland
Johan Elveland
Maj Saarinen
Maj Saarinen
Jon Wängborg
Petter Anderberg
Minna Grahn
Minna Grahn
Lukas Living 
Hans Samuelsson
Hans Samuelsson
Lovisa Olsson
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